Winter sunset painting. Watercolor landscape

Winter sunset painting
Winter is here in all its glory in Nadezhda Bogomolova’s beautiful winter sunset painting. This sunset landscape painting superbly accomplished with the prized watercolor technique.
Truly, the scene is in the depth of winter at sunset. It is a beautiful time of day and year, allowing the artist to explore the best aspects of the watercolor medium – transparency, and translucency.
Meanwhile, a palette of opposite colors, blue and yellow, describe a frosty day laden with fresh, deep snow. The dramatic sunset explodes low in the sky. A watercolor landscape painting becomes imaginative and original in expert hands. Who knew a snowy scene in the country contained so much intensity!
Watercolor landscape
Indeed, most everything in nature is a potential subject for an artist, summer, fall, winter, and spring. Each time of year is resplendent with color and magic characteristic of the season. Let’s look at the sunset landscape painting. In the foreground are vast drifts of snow, rich with shadows, behind which stately trees stretch to the sky. In the background, we see an emblazoned sky, the hallmark of a fading day.
How brilliant the choice to line the trees with golden hues, setting them off as the focal point of the painting. How gorgeous are those sweet blue hues that enrich the shadows play in the dominant foreground?
Materials and medium
Watercolor demands a fine paper, and here the artist selects the famed French Arches 100% cotton brand. The artist used 300 gsm cold pressed paper which is ideally suitable to take swaths of fresh paint. It preserves their freshness and beauty, also ensuring the longevity of the precious artwork. Only the best materials could produce such an elegant image, it is an artist’s dream as the texture sets off the paint with perfection.
In February 2020, this artwork Winter sunset painting by Nadezhda Bogomolova granted a distinctive recognition during the watercolor exhibition in Vienna.