The flowers melody of the early autumn

Early autumn is a wonderful and a bit sad time of the year.
Early autumn is a riot of colors, the bloom of wonderfully bright and elegant, like a butterfly, flowers – lilac, yellow, orange, red, purple. It was as if nature gathered all its strength and gave the world the best, sprinkling the purest, brightest colors on the ground. In the fall, my favorite lilac asters (September-flowers) bloom. They pull their lovely heads to the bright sun, ringing in the wind with their delicate petals. Asters bloom almost until the snow, even when all the nature around is already falling asleep.
Early autumn is a deep blue bottomless sky. You look at it, and you even notice the movement of air from the blow of the autumn breeze. The wind will then bring white fluffy clouds, and the sun will paint them in purple and ocher color as if reflecting a floral carpet on the bright autumn sky. Flocks of birds soar in the sky, gathering for the winter in warm regions. They sing their farewell song.
Early autumn is the rustle of falling leaves, the ringing of leaflets, coins, the rustling of dry grass—the buzzing of bees and the chirping of dragonflies, the fuss of lazy autumn flies.
Autumn is the time to take stock of the year. It’s time to rejoice at how much you managed to accomplish during this unusual summer when for the first time in many years, we only dedicated ourself to our native land. Autumn is also a slight sadness for those plans that were never destined to come true this summer. Sorrow for the outgoing rays of the sun, luxurious flowers, and magnificent colors of the earth.
Winter will come soon and will cover the earth with its fluffy silvery carpet. Only 3-4 months will pass by, and nature will wake up again, streams will babble, migratory birds will return, spring primrose flowers will bloom. And everything will be spinning with renewed vigor. But that is another story.