Sunflower harvest

Sunflower is a fabulous flower, a symbol of vitality and strength, a summer symbol, and the sun. It opens his petals and fills the soul with his warmth. This is a beautiful plant with a head like a small sun, which turns after its big brother, tracing its entire path from sunrise to sunset.
How beautiful it is in summer to look at the endless fields, with brightly shimmering, like amber, yellow sunflowers! And by the fall, large fragrant seeds ripen, as if amethysts and sapphires shimmer in the sun. With their weight, they bend the heads of sunflowers to the very ground.
Sunflowers always look at the sun, follow it, turning their yellow heads along its main course. In the morning, smiling, they open up and seem to bask in the warm rays of the sun all day, and in the evening, yearning, they close because the sun goes down. Night falls … The earth sleeps …
The blossoming of sunflowers is the sun’s birth. It seems that everything around is blazing, shimmering, charged with solar heat. As if thousands of children’s faces are smiling at us, nodding their heads to us, inviting us: look what beautiful little suns we are – sunflowers.
Sunflowers are blooming, rejoicing in the warmth and sun, blue sky.
According to one legend, the gods gave people a sunflower so that the sun never left them. Its leaves are always turned to the sun, in any weather, even on the foggy and rainy day. Sunflower is a symbol of joy and optimism, as well as loyalty and dignity.
In my picture, I tried to convey all the brightness, the saturation of the sun’s warmth, ripened bulk sunflowers, immersed in the juicy green leaves. Just reach out and grab a handful of delicious seeds!
Watercolour on fine art paper 76×56 cm, 2020.